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Grilled Shrimp Tacos & Pineapple Jalapeno Salsa

By July 13, 2017August 6th, 2024No Comments

|| G R I L L E D  S H R I M P   T A C O S +  P I N E A P P L E   J A L A P E N O  S A L S A ||


– 1.5 pounds peeled and deveined shrimp ( can also sub flounder, mahi or grouper)

– 1 lemon 

– shredded cabbage

– 1 lime

– 1 avocado

– 1.5 cups diced fresh pineapple

– 2 jalapeños diced

– 1/2 red onion diced

– 1/4 cup mayo

– 2-3 tablespoons hot sauce  (we use sriracha) 

– flour shells

Take the peeled and deveined shrimp and place in a large bowl.  Drizzle with olive oil, the juice of one lemon, several dashes of hot sauce and salt and pepper.  Let them sit in this marinate for about 20 minutes.

Meanwhile you can make the toppings:

SALSA | Combine the chopped pineapple, jalapeños, and red onion in a bowl.  Season with salt and pepper.

AVOCADO | Mash the avocado and season with lots of salt.  Drizzle with lemon juice to prevent it from browning.

CABBAGE | Place the shredded cabbage in a bowl and sprinkle with salt.  Then squeeze the juice from half a lime over it and let it sit.

SPICY MAYO  | Mix the mayo and hot sauce together.  We like to use sriracha, add as little or as much as you want depending on how spicy you like it.

Once the shrimp have marinated place them on a skewer (if you use wooden skewers make sure to soak them in water at least 30 minutes to prevent the wood from splitting and cracking).   Place on the grill and cook about 2 minutes each side.  The shrimp cooks quickly.  

Assemble the tacos.  Take a four shell, spread with the mashed avocado,  then top with the grilled shrimp, cabbage, pineapple salsa, and spicy mayo.  Enjoy!