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How Often Should You Paint Your House?

By August 12, 2020August 6th, 2024No Comments

Do you know when it’s time to repaint your house? Perhaps it’s when the exterior paint has started cracking. Or when the interior walls are scuffed up. While these are the most obvious signs, there are also some more subtle things that can cause problems down the line. Take a look at how often you should paint the interior and exterior of your property.   Exterior Every home is different, so there’s no clear-cut answer here. However, there are some rough guidelines you should follow. Most experts will say that you’ll need to paint every five to ten years, depending on the climate and weather. In Texas, the hot sun can weather exterior paint quickly by bubbling the paint and fading the color. Examine your home regularly to watch for signs of wear and tear. Since exterior painting can be a large task, consider hiring professionals.   Interior Although interior walls don’t require as much maintenance as your deck or siding, they still need to be repainted. How often you do this depends on which surface and where it is in your home.   Hallways and corridors should be repainted every two to three years, whereas a bedroom may only need a new coat of paint every decade. Kitchens and hallways are subject to the most scuffs, splatters, and dings, so pay attention to when these rooms could do with a lick of paint. If you have kids, their bedrooms may need to be painted once they realize their walls are not a drawing board.   Painting your home regularly helps to keep it looking fresh. Remember to secure homeowners insurance that protects your property. Contact the team at Reata Insurance Group. We can help you secure reliable home coverage in Texas that suits your needs and budget.