Is there a difference between Movember and No Shave November?
While most of us are trying to adjust to Daylight savings time, making the necessary preparations for our Thanksgiving celebrations and looking into all the Black Friday Sales, many of the men around us are walking around looking scruffy and neglecting their facial hair in anticipation of No Shave November. Or is it Movember? We weren’t sure either, so we decided to find out what the difference is.
The Movember Foundation was created back in 2003 when two mates (Travis Garone and Luke Slattery) met up for a beer in Melbourne, Australia and gave birth to the idea. They convinced 30 of their male friends to grow mustaches as a conversation starter and a way to draw attention to the growing men’s health crisis. Men are asked to start with a clean slate at the beginning of November, letting their mustache grow throughout the month. The mission is to raise money and create awareness of the leading causes of men’s poor health.
If you want to sign up to participate in the challenge or receive help in hosting a community or workplace event you can go to their official website
No Shave November
No Shave November is another month-long journey during which participants forgo shaving and grooming in order to evoke conversation and raise awareness. It specifically targets cancer awareness and was started as a way for men to embrace the hair that they have, which many cancer patients lose during treatments. Men are encouraged to let it grow wild and free and are asked to donate the money that they would usually spend on grooming products and barber shops to the organization, for education and cancer research. The rules for No Shave November are simple. Put down the razor… and no grooming for 30 days (so not just a mustache) and donate your monthly hair-maintenance expenses to charity. Men who have a strict compliance with work are encouraged to partake by trimming the beard and mustache or just making a donation.
Go to for more information and to participate.
Chase has committed to the Movember challenge. For every like his picture receives at the end of the month, we will donate $1 to the Movember Foundation. We promise to post pics along the way.
Are you going to be joining in either challenge this month? If so, let us know!