Try out these online shopping safety tips.
Planning on doing your holiday shopping online this year? Then keep in mind that there are many cyber criminals out there. Protect yourself and your financial information by taking these online shopping security measures.
- Avoid Giving Out Personal Info
If a website prompts you for personal information unrelated to your purchase, then this should raise a red flag. A website that requests information such as your social security number and birth date is probably not legitimate. The only information an online retailer should ever request is your billing, shipping, and payment information and, in some cases, your phone number and email address.
- Take Precautionary Measures
Another way to stay safe while shopping online is by being proactive. Check for security settings. The address bar should have an https or lock symbol when making payment. You can stay a step ahead of criminals by installing good anti-virus software on your computer. This will protect your computer from getting a virus and will warn you if a website is not secure.
- Play it Safe
Now is not the time to try out a new online retailer or buy from a company you’ve never heard of before. Instead, it’s much safer to stick to online vendors and companies that you have purchased from in the past. Additionally, when you shop, you might want to use pre-paid credit cards or gift cards. This way hackers cannot access your credit card information even if a company’s website is compromised.
Try out these strategies to help you shop safely this holiday season. For another way to protect yourself over the holidays, make sure you have the right insurance coverage to meet your needs. To find the right policies for you, contact us at Reata Insurance Group. Our dedicated team is happy to assist you with all your insurance needs.