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Tips to Create a Home Inventory List

By November 29, 2018August 6th, 2024No Comments

Your guide to creating a home inventory list.  

A home owners policy is designed to provide coverage against loss. There are many different types of losses that can affect you and your belongings but one thing they all have in common is, that it can be a stressful experience for you and your family. Creating a home inventory list by taking photos or video before a loss can be a simple, yet priceless tool. It’s one way to reduce some of that stress and help you be prepared. Here are some tips to help you with the process:

  • Gather your tools

Decide whether you would like to use a video camera or a digital camera for your visual record. You can walk your property with a recorder or simply snap photos of each item. Remember to capture any model or serial numbers on camera, too.

  • Move room by room

Homeowners often find it easier to start and finish one room before moving onto the next, even though other similar items may be in different rooms. 

  • Collect receipts

If you have any receipts of your purchase, be sure to include them with your documentation. The same goes for credit card statements and appraisals. Make sure that this is always up-to-date.

  • Spend time on high-value belongings

If you have items of high-value like art, collections, musical instruments or sports equipment, spend a little extra time documenting these belongings. Note that you may need to secure additional insurance to protect the entirety of these belongings – Don’t worry, we can help.

  • Store it safely

If you made a digital inventory record, back it up to your computer and send a copy of everything to your email. This means that you have a backup if anything were to happen to the original. Store your receipts, any notes, and memory card in a fireproof safe or a safe deposit box.

For any additional questions regarding the claims process or a homeowners insurance policy, please contact your trusted team at Reata Insurance Group, located in Lakeway and serving Texan homeowners.