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Top Practices for Ensuring Customer Data Security

By May 23, 2019August 6th, 2024No Comments

Safeguard your clients’ data with top security practices.

Having information about clients and customers is important, but ensuring that private information remains secure might be just as vital to the health of a small business. One data breach that accesses your clients’ data is one sure way to ruin a business’s reputation, no matter how big or small. Many businesses are not well prepared for the tricks that hackers use to extract data from their information systems or to deal with the fallout from such an incident. Take a look at these tips on how to properly protect customer data.

  1. Ensure you have an effective endpoint, network, and email protection that filters out spam, malware, and dangerous file types.


  1. Train employees to be suspicious of emails, especially those from unknown senders with attachments. Report unusual emails to IT and do not open it.


  1. Encourage employees to change their passwords with the seasons. Never write the passwords down and avoid using easy passwords that can be guessed. ‘Password123’ is not fooling anyone.


  1. Limit the number of employees who can access certain sensitive data. Other than authorized individuals, no one else should be able to access this information.


  1. Avoid using public Wi-Fi that can allow hackers to easily access the network and other people’s data.


  1. Don’t collect data that you don’t need. Avoid using social security numbers or other personal information for customer identification, and consider deleting personal information that is irrelevant.


  1. Ensure your devices always have the latest security software updates installed.


Business owners, no matter where you are located, can still face a whole host of cyber risks. Ensure your business keeps data safe. For the cyber liability insurance your business needs should the worst happen, contact Reata Insurance Group in Lakeway, Texas.